Last class, I met with my teacher to discuss my topic, ideas, and storyboard for my project. I was nervous about meeting and discussing my thoughts because I was worried, she would think it was terrible or if she didn’t like it. But that was the case. This meeting was extremely helping for my process and was significant for my project. My teacher helped me fix a couple of things and make a few adjustments to my storyboard.
For the storyboard, I had a lot of different ideas ( too many) that I was trying to fit in, and I had to cut some shots out of the film. I removed a lot and thought about specific props that would be crucial for the scenes. After that, we discussed why I chose to do this type of film and why it was necessary. I chose this project because I have been through something very similar. I have gotten Antisemitic remarks said to me, whether it was through social media or to my face. I want to represent the impact that words can have on people and what it does to them. I want my work to stand up for anyone who couldn’t when someone said something to them. I hope that anyone watching my project can use this to give them a reason to stand up to others and for themselves. My teacher also recommended the movie, “school ties” which I am very excited to check out because I think it could give me some inspiration to use whether its music, or just props, anything can be helpful.
I linked below a picture of the film is anyone is interested in checking it out.
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